17 responses

  1. shashank
    July 14, 2011

    Thanks Ted, I wasn’t knowing about whether PDF passes Page rank or not, you cleared that doubt. the next Question i have for you is; how to get your PDF rank high in Google for a particular keyword apart from putting meta details.


  2. harry
    July 26, 2011

    Thanks for this advice, know i can say, i know better!


  3. Casey
    August 5, 2011

    Thanks! I do all of my own SEO and I have noticed several pdf files showing up near the top on google search. I wanted to check this out and you have definately helped! I do have one “dumb” question.. Where do I upload the pdf file? On a page of my website? And then do I re-submit it to google so that it can index it quickly?


  4. Ted Ives
    August 5, 2011

    You’ll have to transfer it to a directory on your website. If you’re using cPanel or some other hosting admin software, look around for “File Transfer” in the admin area, or “FTP”.

    Once you have placed it in a directory (and the url would then be, for instance, “http://www.foo.com/directory1/filename.pdf”), then add a link to that URL on one of your existing pages, and also add the URL to your sitemap file. If you don’t have a sitemap file, google [sitemap generator], there are many websites that will automatically spider your site and create a sitemap. A sitemap acts as the centralized place that Google’s spider double-checks for files to make sure it hasn’t missed any.


  5. seo
    August 7, 2011

    this blog is very nice ,excellent and given coconut seo information,


  6. James Mallory
    August 18, 2011

    Great info Ted. One question – is there a way to embed a pdf file within a portion of a page (iframe, etc.) and still retain the ability for Google to read the document? When I’ve played around with it so far, it doesn’t seem that Google recognizes the text in a pdf if it is embedded.

    Any suggestions would be really helpful!


  7. Berenice
    November 18, 2011

    This is very helpful but doesn’t quite answer all my questions. I was thinking of using pdf sharing sites (eg scribd) as a means of providing backlinks for my main blog. Is this worth it?

    On another website it was advised to repurpose content for this reason. ie. take an article and convert it into a pdf and upload it onto these kind of sites. Will google pick this up as duplicate content?


  8. Ted Ives
    November 18, 2011

    Great question. Although I’ve not done this sort of “repurposing”, I’ve read a lot of the same articles (Ann Smarty has one here with some good ideas):

    My sense is, for the most part, Google is nowhere near as proficient at identifying duplicates across websites as they would like you to believe, but instead is much more focused on identifying duplication within websites (an example would be, all the people that complained after Panda that scraper sites were outranking the originators of content).

    So what you’re talking about is probably one reasonable link-building approach, but make sure you hedge your bets by having 4-5 different link building strategies you’re pursuing.

    For example, I tried some WordPress blog commenting over the summer, to little effect, only to find now that others in the industry have also noticed that WordPress comment links were highly devalued by the Panda update.

    So make sure you pursue multiple different link building strategies, to future-proof your efforts.


  9. Ted Ives
    January 16, 2012

    James, somehow i missed your comment in August on this. Good question, I did some poking around and the best posting I’ve seen on this recommends you embed PDFs (if at all) using the tag, but definitely not iframes (which makes sense):


  10. James M.
    January 16, 2012

    Thanks for the link Ted. I’ll give it a go!


  11. AllSearch52
    July 8, 2013

    Thanks for the tips, I was looking around as to whether a PDF sitemap is something outside the norm, one woudl think that if PDF’s are indexable(similar to images), you could be able to create a standalone PDF sitemap and submit to Google.


  12. Kevin Parker
    June 28, 2014

    Ted, you have some great tips in here. I particularly like #3 “Avoid Duplicate Content”. For the record, though, PDF has been an OPEN standard since 2008, published as ISO 32000-1. There are also variants like PDF/A (archive), which is the ideal for digital preservation of documents. PDF/A is also an open standard (ISO 19005-1) and is maintained by AIIM International.


  13. saspapercupmacs
    July 10, 2014

    Thank you so for the informative post. I just now started to collect the number of high rank pdf sharing website links. I was wondering how pdf could effects the keyword of my webpages. It works so perfect and strong and build links too. This post in very helpful for seo beginners.


  14. GuruMoz
    August 2, 2014

    Since this article was written a few years ago, is it still relevant in 2014? How is Google handling PDF documents on the web now?


  15. Make Money Online
    October 8, 2014

    This is a simple method than going after long tail keywords. Thanks for opening an additional avenue for PDF SEO


  16. Matija
    February 8, 2015

    Hi there. I agree indexing pdf files is seo good practice, but it’s all matter of intent. I have sites where my intent is solely to get inguery for products that I am selling online. So, I am not interested for my visitors to read, to see the cataloge or even to send my an enail regarding therse wishes. Or to subscribe to my newsletter. Where intention of my site is to get an inquery for products, I don’t use seo to index pdf. Regards, Matija


  17. Robyn
    October 23, 2015

    This is great information! We currently have our pdfs on an external URL and they are emailed to visitors after they complete a form. I know that they are not getting any SEO juice by being on another external server. I am afraid that if I put them on our website, people will find them and download them without filling out a request form. Now we have control over their distribution. Will it help to put them on our website so that people can find them directly? Because they get more CTR, I am thinking it will but don’t like losing the control we now have. Any advice?


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