Search Engine Tools are a dime a dozen, but most only do a very tiny micro-task; substantially useful tools are few and far between. Here are my personal favorite free search optimization tools for SEO; some may be familiar but hopefully there’s a few surprises in here for you Read on »
Archive for January 2012

We Burned a British Ship *Before* the Boston Tea Party, and Refused to Sign the Constitution until the Bill of Rights was Added
For an SEO consultant in Rhode Island (just as for any business), it’s important to leverage all possible marketing channels to reach potential clients. Word of mouth and references from website design firms and various website and internet solution providers can be key. With this in mind, I recently met with a local RI marketer who may be able to help me with some SEO consulting references, and in the process, I might be able to help him with his clients in RI search optimize their websites. He mentioned he has been doing a lot of on-page optimization for his firm’s marketing services, and even with little to no link building, they are ranking well and getting some good leads.
This prompted me to take a look at whether I rank for any terms people local to me care about, and I don’t. In fact, I have to confess that, while one might think I must be doing all kinds of crazy things to optimize this blog Read on »
For some time now, I’ve been developing a personal news aggregation website focused completely on SEO. I’ve decided to go ahead and make it available to the community at large.
Here’s the features:
Back in late August of last year, some Googlers presented a paper at a conference entitled “HyperLocal, Directions Based Ranking of Places”, where they investigated the possibility of using driving directions logs from Google Maps as a ranking factor in Local Search. In my experience, Google does not publish papers on major ideas unless they have one or more patent applications already filed Read on »